Employees at Risk

As an employer, you have a duty to ensure that your employees are safe in the workplace. Accidents are not only painful and debilitating for the people who get injured, but they can also cause further problems for you and your company. For example, an injured employee may have to take a lot of time off work, putting a burden on everyone else and diminishing productivity. Even worse, they may decide to sue you for failing to ensure their safety at work, and this could cost you a considerable amount of money.

It is always far better to avoid the risk of accidents occurring in the first place. There are a number of areas where accidents are more likely to occur, so keep an eye out for the following three hazards and take steps to avoid them causing accidents in your place of work.

1. Slippery Floor

A slippery floor is one of the most common causes of work accidents. This can be a problem anywhere, such as in the staff kitchen were someone has spilled their coffee, next to a desk where someone has knocked a drink on the floor or next to a window where the rain has entered.

Keep an eye out for any signs of wet surfaces, and make sure your staff know that they must report a spillage or clear it up themselves as soon as they become alerted to it. Ensure that they always have paper towel nearby as well as a mop on hand so that they can clean the area effectively. You should also have a warning sign that can be put up to alert people to the danger, and if something is causing regular problems, like a leaking window or sink, don’t wait until someone gets injured and sort it out instead.

2. Cables

Computer cables, lamp cables, internet cables – some offices are full of cables. But if one of your employees gets their feet caught up in them, this can easily cause a fall and a nasty injury.

Make sure that cables are always kept securely out of harm’s way. Go over all the cables in your office and if you spot any that look risky, make sure they are safely stored away behind a desk or cabinet. You may consider putting them under the carpet instead, or hire a professional to sort the cables out and tidy them away where they will not pose any risk.

3. Obstructions

Bags, shoes and boxes in the main thoroughfare can cause accidents. People can easily forget that they have put their bag down beside the desk rather than safely under it. All it takes is one person who does not see the obstruction, and you’ve got an accident on your hands.

Always keep an eye out for obstructions and make sure your staff know about the rules. Inform them in meetings and give them reminders from time to time, and you can reduce the likelihood of it happening in your office.

Shannon Morris

I'm Shannon Morris, a versatile writer with expertise in auto, business, real estate, education, shopping guides, and travel stories. With a passion for exploring diverse topics, Shannon brings insightful and engaging content to readers across various interests. Whether discussing the latest trends or offering practical advice, Shannon delivers valuable information with clarity and ease.

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