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Want Unique Artwork? Be Your Very Own Artist


When I was at my friend’s house a few months ago, I was awe-inspired by the artwork that she had on her walls – I was even more surprised when she told me that it was all done by her! That got me thinking: could we all decorate our houses with our own art? I love the idea of demonstrating my own personality through my walls, so I’ve been on a mission to discover how I can generate my very own exclusive look. Here’s what I’ve learned, which could help you to become your very own artist…

Pick up your camera

I think the easiest way for an amateur to get into art is through photography, so this might be the best choice for you at the present. When is the last time you got out your camera to take a picture of stunning scenery or the changing seasons? Many of us get into the habit of taking photographs on typical events such as birthdays and Christmas, but there is so much out there waiting to be discovered. Your assignment this week is to get outdoors, crouch down, stretch upwards – whatever is needed to get a unique shot.

Play about with digital

If you love a photo you’ve taken, you might be able to make it even better by editing it on your computer. For example, black and white images can look very sophisticated, so you could achieve this effect through a desktop or web programme. You can also crop images, change the white balance, edit the saturation levels… the list continues!

Discover prints, canvases and frames

Once you have created some images you are proud of, it’s time to think about getting them off your computer and into proper works of art. If you’re nervous about showing off your photographs in a big way, perhaps start out with a digital photo frame. After getting a bit more confidence, it’s time to discover regular prints, canvas prints and frames. You’ll be able to choose what size you want your masterpiece to be, so it could sit on a dresser or be a major feature on your walls. You can do one large piece, or even three themed photos that sit side-by-side.

Progress to other media

Now that you’ve channelled your inner creative spirit into photography, you could look at progressing your aptitude through other art forms. There are likely to be many art classes that take place nearer to your home than you might expect, so enroll in a couple to see what suits you. I’m currently doing a city photography course, as well as an introduction to watercolour which I think is absolutely brilliant. Whilst my paintings are basic now, it will be interesting to see my skills and pieces get steadily better over the coming months.

If you have realised that art simply isn’t for you, don’t worry. You might be better at spotting a potential artist in the making! If your friend or family member has started to paint, draw or sculpt, offer to buy something from them. You’ll end up with a one-off piece which could be a great feature in your home. So even though I’m involved in art now, I still bought one of the amazing prints that my friend made!

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